In these ever-changing times, with most of us working from home, it’s essential to keep moving for our physical and mental wellbeing. It helps us to remain active and concentrate on the work, thereby increasing effectiveness and efficiency. 

Some of the simple steps to keep in mind to make sure the body stays in motion while working includes the following:

  1. Move around  for phone calls 

Every time you make or answer a call, get up and move around. You’ll likely pace up and down, adding up to an extra 20% to your total daily energy expenditure.

Make the most of all your space to move as it keeps up your step count. You could even set yourself a step target for each call you have.

As well as that, you’ll also load your bones by standing, potentially avoiding osteoporosis in later life. Getting up out of your chair and moving around is great for your back too, in order to keep it mobile and flexible

2. Break from your workstation every 30 minutes 

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends leaving your desk every 30 minutes, even if only briefly. Good for your brain and your body, a quick break in focus allows you to reset and return more productive too. Make your break as efficient as possible by drinking a small amount of water or hot drink without caffeine, and climb the stairs once or twice.

3. Arranging workstation to provide maximum stretches 

It’s tempting to get stuck at your desk for hours on end but we’re creatures who are designed to move. Having your workstation set up correctly does much to look after your posture long-term, but there are a series of exercises that will keep you feeling fresh and prevent aches and pains from being hunched over the laptop.

4. Invest in an ergonomic chair

Investing in an ergonomic chair will mean that you will be able to sit in comfort and it will be better for your posture. Look for one that provides you with good spinal support. Traditional chairs can put strain on your spine, and over time can lead to bad posture which can then lead to back injuries later on down the line. Ergonomic chairs are fully adjustable to align with your height and workstation, ensuring you remain in the correct sitting posture.

5. Do household chores

Cleaning might sound dull, but remember, if you’re now working from home you want your environment to be as calming as possible in these turbulent times.

Plus, exercise doesn’t have to look like exercise. Cleaning your home increases your heart rate and burns calories. Vigorous housework for 30 minutes will give you the same cardiovascular benefit as a brisk walk and the saying ‘Tidy House Tidy Mind’ really works.


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