Our 10 best tips to get you interview success
BEFORE your interview
1. Research the Organisation
There is plenty of content out there for you to search, starting with the organisation’s website.
Take the time to look at the areas the business operates in, areas of growth, new businesses and new products, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and show that you have researched beyond the basics of the organisation, it’s an opportunity to stand out.
2. Use Google Alerts to stay up to date especially when interviewing with several organisations at once.
3. Use a tool such as Social Sweepster To Clean Your Facebook & Twitter
Depending on the role, you may find that employers are checking your social media for unsuitable content. Tools such as sweepster allow you to detect unsuitable and profane content and delete it.
4. There is evidence that interview times do matter.
Try to avoid lunchtimes either immediately before or immediately after. Research has shown that it is best to take the earliest interview time in circumstances where decisions need to be made quickly or without much deliberation because preferences are often unconsciously and immediately guided to those options presented earliest.
Alternatively, if the organisation is recruiting for a position starting in a month or more, try to interview late morning, not first thing, and between Tuesday to Thursday.
5. Dress appropriately for the position you are interviewing for.
DURING your interview
6. “Tell me about yourself”
This needs some thought. It is an opportunity to take the floor and market yourself to the organisation. Many candidates start with I studied such and such as I wanted to be a so and so. Many start and end with their professional experience leaving out what really drives and motivates them. People work with people, If the organisation has a particular culture and approach that excites you, then say it. If the industry or profession motivates you, tell your interviewer why. Show them you are a person as well as a professional.
7. The dreaded “What’s Your Weakness?” Question
This question is really asking what have you done about it, how have you dealt with it and developed mechanisms to overcome it. We all have had them, we all have to work harder at some particular aspects of our work than other parts.
8. Ask Questions
Asking questions gives you an opportunity to further impress the interviewer and demonstrate relevant knowledge or experience that you have.
Towards the end of your interview, you will get the opportunity to ask questions. Most candidates will simply ask some straight forward questions such as What is the fastest growing part of the business or how much growth is the business forecasting next year. Try it another way.
I see that the organisation grew by x% last year year, are you predicting the same level of growth next year or will your new product y increase growth further next year prednisone 20mg.
Do not forgo final opportunities to impress as the interview closes.
9. Always ask for the job.
If you are want to work in the organisation and like the role then tell your interviewer.
“I think you have a great organisation and I would love to work here”
“Have I said anything that makes you think I am not suitable for the role”
You are displaying desire and confidence and these qualities are always needed in an organisation.
If the interviewer points out something you have said, you have the opportunity to address it which you otherwise might not have had.
AFTER your interview
10. Send a follow up email promptly.
This gives you an opportunity to reinstate yourself in the mind of the interviewer, especially if you were interviewed early in the process and gives you an opportunity to display your professionalism and gratitude for the opportunity.